This is an assembly of electro-conductive parts consisting of miniature circuit breakers (MCB) of various ratings. Isolator switch, bus-bar, neutral & earth bars, all enclosed in a steel metal case for circuits of single-phase or three-phase.
They contain equipment for protecting, switching and controlling and controlling cables and apparatus.
Distribution boards are used in private, commercial and industrial installations for distribution of power to 閾夸苟al sub-circuits e.g. lighting circuits and small rated power circuits.
They could be surfaced mounted or 閾垮乻hed mounted with removable cover and breakable inters on both top and bottom sides for cable entries. Every 閾夸苟al sub- circuit is connected to one way of the Distribution board via the MCB. The size of the circuit MCB depends on the rating of the 閾夸苟al sub-circuits.